
v1.2.0 Updates

logme package now supports color and styling output in the terminal!

The colors and style is customizable in logme.ini, here is a screenshot of how it looks like in the terminal:


To use color output in logme, make sure your logme package and logme.ini is up-to-date.

Check the configuration details here.

v1.1.0 Updates

logme is now capable of having the same type of handlers with different configuration in logme.ini

old style:

level = DEBUG
formatter = {asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - {module}::{funcName}::{message}
StreamHandler =
    active: True
    level: DEBUG
FileHandler =
    active: False
    level: DEBUG
    filename: mylogpath/foo.log
NullHandler =
    active: False
    level: NOTSET

New Style:

level = DEBUG
formatter = {asctime} - {name} - {levelname} - {message}
stream =
    type: StreamHandler
    active: True
    level: INFO
file =
    type: FileHandler
    active: False
    level: DEBUG
    filename: mylogpath/foo.log
null =
    type: NullHandler
    active: False
    level: DEBUG